Don't you just love the way that cream moves through coffee, the way it swirls and blends slowly, and then all at once. It is quite magical to watch. But that's not what is magical about this coffee recipe. This cold brew, iced coffee is magical because it feels like magic that something could taste this delightful using only 5 ingredients and about 1 minute of your time. Don't misunderstand me, this coffee takes all night to become magical, but that's part of the magic! You dump a few things in a container, leave in the fridge over night, and then in the morning when you wake up, BAM the coffee is ready. Seriously, this coffee really is magical. For those of you who've never tired cinnamon in your coffee, trust me it is wonderful. And don't worry about the brown sugar, I don't take sugar in my coffee normally and don't find this recipe too sweet. If you're still worried, drop it down by 1 Tbsp.
Sometimes I like to make it with decaf coffee so I can have a treat in the afternoon. And yes, before you ask, the answer is yes, it does taste great with a little rum poured over top ;)
Magical Coffee
Coffee Base
2/3 cup coarsely ground coffee
3 cups water
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons dark brown sugar
The Finished Drink
milk, half and half, or cream
Coffee Base
Put ingredients in a quart jar and stir.
Cover and refrigerate overnight.
The Finished Drink
Pour the coffee base through a sieve or strainer into a bowl, then strain back into jar for easy storage.
For each drink: Fill a tall glass halfway with ice. Pour in coffee until glass is about 3/4 full, and add milk/half and half/cream to taste.