Full disclosure, I didn't make these, I also don't own the food dehydrator necessary to make this recipe happen. I normally don't like to post recipes that require special ingredients or equipment, but these kale chips are magical and I just can't keep something like that from you! If you do happen to have a dehydrator, or could borrow one, lucky you and read on.
I've honestly never cared much for food that comes from a dehydrator and have therefore never felt the pull to acquire one, but after spending some quality time with a bag of these kale chips I'm wondering how on earth I'm going to secure the next supply. They are so freaking good!
Lacinato, or dinosaur kale is best in this recipe as its leaf is more flat than curly kale and therefor easier in the dehydrator. When making the chips, don't worry about the kale to sauce ratio too much. Sometimes they are more saucy and sometimes less depending on how much kale you have on hand but they will turn out well either way.
Kale Chips
2 large bunches of kale, washed, large stems removed, torn into bite size pieces
1 cup cashews (soaked 2 hours and drained)
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped (can substitute for a tomato)
juice of 1 small lemon
1 tsp agave *optional, better with the tomato as the pepper is already sweet
4 Tbsp nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp himalayan pink crystal salt
Put all ingredients (except kale) in blender. Blend until smooth. Using your hands, massage coating onto kale pieces getting it inside crevices. Put on dehydrator mesh screens and dehydrate at 135 overnight or until coating is dry, about 12 hours. If you're a raw foodist then dehydrate at 105 for twice as long. Make sure they are completely cool and completely dry before storing in an airtight container or bag.