No dress rehearsal, this is our life.
I've been spending this rainy Sunday afternoon enjoying, savouring, and honouring the flavours and colors of mid-summer. This is it folks, it’s not going to get much better than this and we’ll never be here again, so soak it all up. It's been an emotional week for many Canadians, we have some amazing athletes to be proud of and an inspirational band/man who has brought us all a little closer. Whether you’re a teenage athlete in your prime, a famous musician facing mortality head-on, or just a regular person, making every day count in some small way is all any of us can do. Emotions are high and self-reflection is only natural; I’m so grateful for brave people like Gord Downie who remind us to live, to not take things for granted, and see to the weird/beauty in life.
This recipe is full of beauty, full of flavour, and made even better when shared with someone. Cooking for another is a profound act of love, in my opinion, and sharing a meal is a small joy that can be realized at least three times a day. Take a moment, take a few, and spend some time with those close to you. This recipe comes together super quick so that you can have even more time with those who you break bread with. I can’t think of a single better way to showcase and celebrate the flavours of summer than with this dish. I found this recipe over at Martha Stewart, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Pasta with Fresh Tomato Sauce
2 1/4 pounds unrefrigerated ripe tomatoes
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley
1 tablespoon chopped garlic (from 2 garlic cloves), plus more if desired
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling
Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
1 pound spaghetti or spaghettini
Grated Parmesan cheese, for serving (not really optional)
Finely chop tomatoes, basil, parsley, and garlic, and mix together with oil (or pulse ingredients, including oil, in a food processor to blend).
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add pasta, and cook until al dente. Drain pasta, and toss it in a serving bowl with the raw sauce. Transfer to 6 shallow bowls, and drizzle with oil. Serve with cheese.